Mass Effect: Resurgence Wiki

Mass Effect: Resurgence is a highly literate forum-style, or play-by-post, Discord roleplay server set in an alternate Mass Effect universe three years after the end of the Reaper War. Commander Shepard and their companions do not exist here, and our canon diverges away before the start of the first Mass Effect game.

This server began as a continuation of Mass Effect: GUARDIAN, which closed in July 2018. However, the story has changed and no longer follows the original story.

Collaborate with your fellow players to create compelling characters and intricate sub-plots, or join in GM-led main events and see how your decisions and actions can have galactic-wide implications! Become part of a small community of Mass Effect enthusiasts and make friends from all over the world. Above all, have fun and enjoy the ride.

It’s a damn good one. The best.

Are you in?

Welcome to our Roleplay!

Greetings Prospective Operatives!

I am happy to introduce you to our roleplay server, Mass Effect: Resurgence! The Crisis Response Corps, or CRC, is an joint species exploratory and response task force sponsored by the Systems Alliance and Citadel Council. It functions like a galactic Red Cross, with the ability to respond with combat force if necessary.

While many people are employed directly by the Response Corps, and the CRV Resurgence offers a home to all Operatives, most of the CRC’s members are volunteers spread across the galaxy. This way, Operatives do not have to quit their day job or other obligations, and aren’t tied to a single ship or location.

Character Spotlight

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